Posts by category
- Category: Category1
- Category: Uncategorized
- Revathi Kollegala
- Luke Church
- Patrick Shulist
- Colin Clark
- Muralidhara Hiriyur, Salonie
- Ayotte, Dana
- Basman, Antranig
- Designing agri-platform coops with women farmers
- Toolkit Overview and Goals
- Co-design: a Tool for Cooperative Governance
- Guidelines for Designing Equitable Technologies
- Community Co-design: Introduction
- AI Use Cases in Farmer Co-operatives
- Interviews with The Wool Clip
- Re-imagining the Platform Firm
- Building Robust Local Economies through Decentralisation
- Designing Agricultural Platform Cooperatives with Women Farmers in Gujarat
- Procurement Through Digital Platforms
- The Perception of Technology and Data, and its Impact on Data Governance Decisions
- Governing Data in a Worker Cooperative
- SEWA / IT for Change Knowledge Partnership
- Building Capacities to Sustain Decentralised Governance Models: Learnings from Women Farmers in Gujarat
- Community Co-design: Planning
- Cooperatively Developed Agricultural Practices
- Concept Note: The Tapi Forest Garden
- Concept Note: Co-designing A Biodiversity Credit Toolkit
- Evaluating Digital Resources for Farmers
- Data, Governance, and Cooperatives