The Data Communities for Inclusion project supports cooperative, worker-owned, and community-led ways of creating, using, and governing data and artificial intelligence technologies.
To support this effort, the resources in the Inclusive Governance Toolkit aim to share experiences and provide suggestions for communities to:
* Advocate for cooperative, worker-owned, and community-led governance of data and artificial intelligence technology (including related design, development, funding, and ongoing decision-making).
* Reflect on lessons learned and successes and failures in practice, and to share stories of our work and those of others working with us.
* Teach and learn about promising practices and approaches to designing, developing, and making decisions about data and AI technologies; share literature reviews, analysis and perspectives of relevant scholarly, policy, and practical work across disciplines.
* Connect with other justice movements (including disability, cultural, climate, and economic) and build solidarity among communities via shared advocacy, practices, and mutual support.
The Toolkit’s contents are driven by and contributed from each DCI network member’s own practices, research activities, and advocacy efforts. Toolkit resources are structured in three general categories:
- Perspectives, which provide positions, analyses, and interpretations relevant to our goals;
- Guides, which provide practical advice and techniques; and
- Case Studies, which provide evidence and experience to support the viability, scalability, and impact of cooperative and community-led technologies.
Technology and social justice are complex topics that require a diversity of perspectives and contributions. Join the conversation by sharing your thoughts, questions, critiques, and relevant resources with us at